My Letter To Future Goers

“ cup overflows,” says Psalm 23:5. In the two years of living in Bulgaria, a place that in many ways now feels more familiar than foreign, I have experienced the Lord as my shepherd and the blessing of God’s presence in and through several experiences here. From the beginning, I had a strong sense two years would fly by, but I didn’t expect it to feel simultaneously like a second and a lifetime. A big reason as to why I said yes to being a goer and working in a ministry was because I wanted to build the foundation of my working career on a firm foundation in Christ. I longed for my faith in Jesus to seep into every part of my being, and being keenly aware of my proneness to wander, a desire to seek deeply rooted Christ followers grew within me. Finding GoCorps and Salt Ventures was far from what I could imagine for my future, but the Lord in His kindness knew my heart’s desires and showed me a way that would lead me into a deeper dependence, knowledge and trust of who God is. These past two years have been challenging and eye-opening; in the midst of every twist and turn, I’ve been grounded by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit alongside a team that continually pointed me back to the Trinity. And for that, I am so grateful to have had these formative years entering adulthood with a greater sense of faith integration. 

My journey began with openness and obedience, and I’ve held onto those values throughout my time in Bulgaria. For those considering what’s next, I believe being open to and obeying the Holy Spirit will take you to places to glorify God in ways you might have never expected. 

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” John 14:26-27.  

And so really, my encouragement is towards prayer - for “by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:4-7). I believe there is a peace known to believers that surpasses the very real hardships and barriers that we may face in the path God has purposed us for, and we ought to seek that peace and pursue it, as encouraged by Psalm 34:14. Christ’s peace is what has calmed my heart in the stress of culture shock and steadied my faith when I doubted, wavered, or questioned what the heck I was doing and why. Don’t get me wrong, the peace I’ve known in Christ isn’t about feeling tranquil and relaxed, but so much more than that. Sometimes it feels like my heart racing as I move towards someone, or uncomfortably sitting through conversations I only semi understand, or curiously continuing down a path I haven’t walked before. Where these nudges lead isn’t always clear, but it’s often towards reconciliation, love or a greater sense of hope.    

Now, beyond my GoCorps commitment, my imagination for what God might have is more expansive than before, which can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Yet I’ve seen what a blessing it is to take the next baby steps towards where the Spirit nudges and allow God to surprise you with the rest. Praise the Lord for the promise Psalm 23 ends with, that “surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” 


Popovi Livadi Project


Traveling & Reverse Culture Shock