Inhabiting secular spaces for Christ
Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus told his disciples that their witness of him would extend all the way from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. At Salt Ventures, we aim to be a contemporary expression of that witness in the world today by:
Our Purpose
Salt is either an additive or a preservative. It has no purpose on its own. In the same way, Salt Ventures members are committed to working through local churches to share the good news of Jesus with people desperately in need of a savior.
Working with local churches …
Our commitment extends beyond mere sharing of the message. We actively pursue meaningful, personal relationships with those we meet, challenging believers and non-believers alike to grow in their faith with Jesus.
to make disciples …
Everything we do is designed to increase the points of contact with people we meet. We believe the most effective Christian lessons are those taught by example, in full view of society and deeply rooted in the everyday life of communities.
in the community …
Much of our ministry takes place in the workplace. We reach out to customers, vendors, shop keepers, business partners and employees, always looking for winsome ways to share the love of God and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in clear and meaningful ways.
at the workplace …
Christ calls us to serve the least of these and so we show compassion and love to people on the margins of society, many of whom simply don’t know what to do or where to turn for help.
… and among the poor.
“You are the salt of the earth.”
Matthew 5:13

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with any questions!