Frequently asked questions
Ministry Questions
What are the churches or other missions agencies that Salt Venture partner with in Bulgaria? Also the US?
Salt Ventures (SV) is supported by about 25 different churches. Our work in Bulgaria is supported by 8 different denominations. We are a broad based mission, not aligned with any particular denominational group. We work with any missionaries in Bulgaria who want to work with us. We are one of the tenured and most respected ministries in the Balkans.
As an aside, we also run a relocation company in the Balkans - Welcome to Bulgaria, which has handled the relocation of over 150 people to the Balkans over the last 17 years.
What would Involvement in PINK ministries look like? Just in Sofia or will there be going to other cities as well?
That depends on the city/town needs and your personal skills/commitment. Much of what we do is based on the locals’ schedule and needs so it is difficult to pinpoint or be certain until you actually arrive in country. Also, it would certainly involve work outside of Sofia, since 90% of PINK activities are in other cities apart from our health program, Innovaid. Our goal is to place individuals in ministries where they have affinity and skills to offer.
What other ministry opportunities are there besides PINK?
We would expect you to be involved with PINK. You may at some point participate in projects with other missions (we often work together), but PINK would be your main fo. As a practical matter, there are no mission agencies that let their members work regularly outside their own mission without a very specific reason for doing so -- it is extremely rare, and usually only undertaken when there is a compelling logistical reason for doing so.
Is Salt Venture accountable to any denomination, church or other ministry organizations?
We are accountable to all of the churches and individuals who support our work. We are governed by an independent board based in Wheaton, Illinois and are happy to introduce you to an appropriate board member if necessary.
We have two board members living in Sofia (Bob Faber and Tony Lalev). Tony is a local Bulgarian church leader and Bob & Becky's on field supervisor.
Program/History/Daily Life
How long have Salt Ventures had this type of program where you began to have interns/short term or midterm members serve alongside?
We had our first long term intern from 2008-2010 and have various experiences both before and since. Pre 2015, we used to have a few interns (local or foreign) for durations ranging anywhere from one to three months and up to a year.
Our relationship with GoCorps is began in 2021 and we have had 4 goers come since 2022. 3 of them finished their 2 year commitments and 1 of them will be continuing with Salt as a Fuller seminarian for 2 years with the hopes of returning to Bulgaria for ministry.
What will the typical week look like for a goer?
The first year will be half time at your job, 25% language, training and discipleship, and 25% ministry with PINK and our local church, New Day.
How will the 1st year look like versus the 2nd year?
Mainly the percent of time spent language learning, working, ministry, etc. Less orientation and more ministry. Otherwise pretty much the same.
How often will team meet together?
The team typically meets weekly for dinner and prayer throughout the year minus the summer time when we have camps. Becky is in charge of member care and will meet with interns or team members once a month to check in on spiritual and emotional matters.
How will ministry supervision be handled?
Our supervision is quite flexible and hands off. As a small team and organization, we do not have a ton of structure and err to being quick to change things as needed.
What discipleship can the participant expect? (Leader? Format? Content? Materials?)
Discipleship is both individual and group based depending on the maturity of the individual. We have had people work with us who were young Christians and required a lot of hands on discipleship from their supervisors. We have also had mature believers who could be trusted to run bible studies of their own.
How will housing be handled/look like for goers?
We work with the goers to find an acceptable housing arrangement for them, almost always in a group arrangement with other Christians their age.
Is it advisable for family or friends to visit the participant?
We do not prefer visitors during the first 6 months due to wanting our members to focus on adjusting and acclimating to the culture. There can be exceptions to this of course. After that, we strongly encourage missionaries to invite important family and friends to visit Bulgaria, usually as part of a short term team. This is an excellent way for families to experience a bit of the missions life without disrupting ministry.
Will there be further or unexpected fundraising expected from the participant? (ministry funds? Projects?)
Personal support is typically well known and predictable. Once you are fully funded you will have to keep your donors informed, but your situation isn't likely to change much in two years.
Having said that, however, fundraising is an ever present part of the missionary life. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a liar or has never been a missionary. There are ALWAYS projects to support and funding needs you may want to advance. It is good to be mindful of needs when reporting back home so that you might be a blessing to others in need. Personally, Becky and I always have a project or two about which we are praying and thinking about helping, just so that we are ready if the opportunity arises.
What kind of professional development can participants expect?
We do not encourage academic work or job skills training beyond what is recommended/required for your position while on a short term assignment in Bulgaria. It is already hard to live in a foreign country, and being successful in your position here will require 100% of your effort.
Will there be vacation time?
4 weeks of paid vacation each year. Three weeks by request, plus the week between Christmas and New Years. We recommend interns use some of that time exploring Bulgaria, but most of it outside the country getting a real break from their work.
How will health insurance be handled/work?
It is different for each person. Typical global health insurance for an individual in their 20s ranges from $250-400/month and will be included in the support raising budget/goal.
How will participants be paid in Bulgaria?
Goers are paid as expat employees of Salt Ventures NFP. Paychecks are issued in the USA and direct deposited monthly at the end of each month. (date varies with the calendar)