How it all began…
Around the late 90s, we heard and felt the call from God to serve overseas for His kingdom. While looking at different teams and locations, Bob met Dr. Nik Nedelchev in Bulgaria and the Lord made it clear through that meeting that Bulgaria was the place He was leading us.
When we first arrived, we came originally to teach at the local theological college in Sofia to train/disciple pastors & church workers. During our first few years, we were focused on church planting and trying to establish activities that would be inviting and bring people to church. However, when we began to see the work God was doing in people through life outside of the church space, our perspective began to shift.
Their choice to follow Jesus came from interactions and experiences that started outside of church activities! Upon this realization, the idea for Salt Ventures was birthed - Bob and I saw that there was a large need in Bulgaria to meet people where they were at, specifically in the secular spaces. And so in 2007, Salt Ventures was born and has worked to partner with locals and bring the gospel out into the workplace, businesses, and non-traditional venues.
- Becky Faber