Prayer - Nov. ‘22

So much to be thankful for since we’ve arrived! We’re looking forward to our first Thanksgivings away from home. Outside of the normal prayer requests, here are some of are biggest praises over the year:

We’re so thankful for:

  • our church, нов ден (New Day), which although small has demonstrated much prayer and care for one another and has been encouraging to see

  • being able to partner with a new school in Bresnik, a small town outside of Sofia where we plan to have English club, ceramics club, and hopefully sports/music/art next year

  • for our team - each of us so different from one another yet we’ve enjoyed many sweet and special times together in such a short time period and look forward to growing in unity more and more

  • YOU! our supporters and family and friends who have been praying and caring for us from afar as well as those that were able to visit us in person

Please pray for:

  • the continued recovery and health of Becky as she increases her physical activity

  • our church to grow and wisdom in how to best serve and partner with our pastor, Emo

  • pray for the season of Thanksgiving to be a time to share gratitude with our Bulgarian friends and reflect on the blessings the Lord has given us

  • for the physical health of our team as the weather gets colder

  • our community within our own team, our personal walks with Christ, and our connections with non-believer friends


Rockin’ English Traditional Thanksgiving Hand Turkeys


A Long Ride to Patmos