Peace in the Chaos, Calm in the Storm
View from my temporary housing at Bob & Becky’s place.
My first 2 months here have been a whirlwind of events. Feelings of not doing much at all and then all of a sudden having the most busy packed schedule with no breaks at all.
From having first arrived and then immediately traveling to Bansko, a smaller city outside of Sofia for a team retreat, to living out of my suitcase for about a month and a half in my team leader’s library room - God continued to be steady and guide everything in his timing.
There were many days where I just sat around attempting to study language on my own and take quiet slow strolls around the neighborhood trying to get familiar with the lay of the land. Other days where we jumped right into summer camps with students and I was sleeping in cabins with kids all while making phone calls back to Sofia trying to find an apartment to lock down. In the midst of it all I was reminded through Scripture:
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. - Romans 12:12
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. - Proverbs 16:9
Many times I also wrestled with the expectations I had coming in along with the actual reality of how things were going which often led to frustrations or confusion. Although not everything was the way I wished or had hoped things would be planned, God’s path and way was perfect in His way. I ended up getting a great roommate and finding the perfect apartment in a good location for both of us and also learned a lot about the way things worked in the country because of the journey the Lord took me on. It’s like when Jesus told the disciples on the boat during the storm, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Thankfully Jesus brings peace and calm in the storm and I simply need to trust and follow